T&C and other Warnings.

Okay, so my last post ended on quite an exaggerated note😅. I must admit that I'm not the most popular guy but I must say I never fail to impose a good first impression on people I meet.

But admit it! I totally convinced you to read this post through my last one.

Alright, so before 'teaching' anything I'd like to clear a few things.


  • Whatever I post, is either personally experienced, observed or read. I take no guarantee if any of these 'techniques' fail under any circumstances.

  • Everything depends on your style of execution of a particular 'technique'. 

  • The routines or methods explained here are not my own but generals/standards used in the field.

  • I claim no rights to any images, credited extracts or quotes I post here.

  • Finally, I believe in learning, from other's mistakes😜. So if I tell you to try and comment, believe me, you don't want to try it first.

What's not here?

  • Motivation: If you're here to find motivation, I'm sorry to disappoint you. You never find motivation, it finds you. A speech never motivates if the speaker claims it to be motivational. It doesn't work that way. You meet it in the unlikeliest of places, waiting for you, gift wrapped, under that Christmas tree😝.

  • Inspiration: Just like motivation, anything that claims to be inspiring is, I believe, the least inspiring thing you'll ever find. It never comes knocking at your door, it is like that pool of Archimedes or that apple of Newton, which you see daily, but realise it's importance on a very special day that changes your life forever. Very inspiring, right?😂

(P.S. Before sueing me in the International Court of Justice please comment in any post if there are credit or rights issues😂)

    What will you find here?

    • Introduction to human behavior.

    • General psychology.

    • Mentalism.

    • Cold reading.

    • A few routines of Pick-Up Artists.

    • General discussion of hypnosis.

    • The art of pickpocketing.

    • Body language reading.

    • Techniques of sizing up people.

    • General discussion of the abilities of some famous fictional sleuths.

    So this is a rough idea of what we'll discuss here, not limited to it and not necessarily in that order.

    So now I believe I don't need to exaggerate anything about me to keep you hooked to my blog.

    Just slide back to the top and you'll remember, I know how to convince you, and I know a lot of other ways to do so;).

    See you soon👋.


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