Red Handed!

This title will make sense if you have come to this post through the first one.

Caught you red-handed!

Now you know how persuasive words can get, you don't understand yet, but words can force your pride down your throat and make you do any insignificantly nonsensical thing. In this case, pressing the "big red button".

Well... It's not as embarrassing as the paragraph above made you feel, but it did right? 

In my later posts I'll tell you how you can become more persuasive, more observant and more 'popular'. 

Yes! You read it right. I use these 'techniques' everyday and I'm sure, if it works for me, it'll surely work for everyone.

I'm a star. I'm no less than Brad Pitt or R D Jr for people who know me. If you want to achieve this, stay tuned for my next post;).


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