7 Seconds.

Here's a list of things that can or may or do happen in or under 7 seconds:

  • You blink

  • You wink

  • See left

  • See right

  • Yawn

  • See out of that window

  • Glance in a mirror

  • Snap you fingers

  • Clap your hands

  • Tap your feet

  • Get bored

  • Avoid this post

  • Hum a tune

  • Show three quarters of a rodeo bull ride

  • Select one and a half speed-dating partners

  • Sing an Eminem rap

  • Solve a Rubik's cube

  • Make an impression

  • Influence the U.S. Presidential Election

  • Sell 375 McDonald's burgers, worldwide

  • 2090 KitKat fingers are eaten worldwide

  • Sell two jars of Nutella

  • 205000 posts are posted on Facebook

  • 23000 tweets tweeted

  • 8666 Snapchats sent

  • 17 million emails sent

  • 47 websites created

  • 28 new WordPress posts are created

  • Lightning strikes 500 times

  • Bill Gates earns about $1250

  • About 500000 chemical reactions have taken place in every cell of our body

So many things to do! So many things that happen! But probably you've missed the 'Make an Impression' point up there, amidst the other, or as you may say, boring and obvious stuff.

No! Now that you know the importance of those seven seconds don't waste your precious time going back up there and seeing it again. Take my word, it is there, you even saw it, you just didn't observe. 

Impression, as earlier stated, is a very important affair.

Now, if you've not read my last post.... Just read it first (This is a lot easier than explaining why I chose today's topic).
"Lovely decisions our hearts when make....

Seven seconds is all it takes...."

Well... That's me trying poetry.

Experts say it takes only 7 seconds to make an impression, to judge anyone or to size-up someone.

But 7, my friend is for untrained and noob and naïve and amateur minds.

For intelligent people like you and me, all it takes is a mere glance, a fraction of a second to learn what's hidden in plain sight (Warning: Read paragraph as a hyperbole).

Well, not a fraction of a second, but reading humans for an experienced mind is like reading sign boards in clear daylight.

Alrighty, so coming to the point now, a lot of people get confused between why, how and what to observe.

We can compare it with this simple example... You need a shirt (This is why you'll observe). You know how a shirt looks. So you'll only pay attention to things that look like a shirt (This is how you observe, matching objects that look like a shirt). But where do you keep your shirts? Drawers? Wardrobes? These are the places where you'll look for it (This is what you'll observe, the wardrobe).

The topics that we choose today are why and what to observe. How to observe will be discussed some other day, under some other topics.

So let's start:

  • Its a blank slate: Each human for you is a blank slate. Like a blank canvas for an artist on which they draw the perfect sketch of that fruit basket exactly as they see it.

  • Don't wander aimlessly: You're not a chicken to wander around people aimlessly like a chicken head! But chickens do have chicken heads. Sorry, ignore that statement. The point is, don't go pro. You're not going to get your clues hanging mid-air like Benedict Cumberbatch does in the Sherlock series. That's a different level of subconscious observation which takes years of practice to master. Realize that you've just started now and you're not going to get most of the things correct. Its better than getting disappointed.

  • Process in chunks: I know that chicken wants to come out of its cage, but hey, it's not ready yet. Do not overload yourself with information. Take bits of information at a time and let your brain process it at it's own pace. We're students of this art, we're here to learn. So be patient, stay put. Time, here, is not as important as efficiency.

  • The 'Why': Without this question, you literally are a chicken head. I've already said do not go pro. Why are you observing at all? To impress? To learn? To convince? Or is there something sinister? Whatever the reason may be, you first have to be sure of it. Then comes the sub-'Why' part. After knowing why you want to observe someone, you must know what are the things that you might need to know for achieving whatever goal you have in mind. Remember, this only comes with practice.

  • The 'What': After successfully answering the 'Why' and sub-'Why' parts, you reach the 'What'. Let's understand this through an example... You're a salesman. You sell cars. Let us assume you know all the technical aspects of automotives but do you think that's enough? Does this knowledge guarantee that your customers will be convinced to buy any car you describe? No. Besides soft skills, you need an eye for looking at the obvious. When a customer comes at your door, you need to observe them carefully, ask yourself questions; Are they physically fit? Look at the condition of their shoes, what do they prefer car or a walk? What might be their budget range? Are they rich? To name a few. This can be practiced on your friends, because you know what your friends are like. See what's different in a rich friend, that's not in you. Or how different from you does your intelligent friend react to a specific situation. Observe how their behaviour changes when they talk to strangers. After adequate practice you'll gradually be able to apply this to strangers as easily as to your friends.

  • You do not dine after having your supper: This is the most common mistake an amateur observer makes. You do not trace a sketch, you make one. Do not make an impression and try to find clues that fits the story. Look for the clues first, rearrange if needed, then make the story based on that.

    Believe me, we do this all the time. Not as organized as stated above, but these 7 seconds are an integral part of our daily life. It all happens subconsciously, but in the wrong order.

    These steps stated above help you think in an organized way, clear your thoughts and satisfy your eagerness.

    Just believe in yourself and remember... "Ye Saat Seconds Tumse Koi Nahi Chheen Sakta..."

    All rights are reserved to their respective owners. For other warnings see: http://eyesthatseeall.blogspot.com/2017/02/t-and-other-warnings.html

    Give your precious comments, share if you feel its worth it. Stay tuned for my next post.

    See Ya!


    1. What an imagination yaar...It took me 7 seconds to understand each phrase. Seriously bro...this time u killed that 7 seconds. Aage badhte raho.....Mera aashirwaad aapke saath hai

    2. Hats off to u bro.... !!! Amazing thoughts. Keep it up.

    3. Deep post man!! It was at another level👍👌

    4. Bro take a bow...🙌🙌🙌


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