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You won't believe how you were tricked by this...

...Title. Yup! You won't believe how you were tricked by this title, into clicking this post for practically no reason. So now you can either go back to waste your time on Instagram or whatever OR you can stay here and waste your time... same difference 😊. Well, after putting much efforts (read as none) into the study of clickbaits I've compiled this one on how to write a click-worthy title/description/heading. 'Tis not valorous to doth manipulative stuff for it bringeth misfortune to others and wastes their time, Shakespeare'd said (no he hadn't), But HEY! Guess What? It's fun! "Be The Change You Want" [P.S. I wanted to say 'To catch a thief, you first need to think like one' but couldn't find a short and smart alternative, so bear with me on this one and just co-relate if you find another totally unrelated proverb] So what may be the reason we're always trapped by these clickbaits? TBH there're too many reasons to li...

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